Tuesday, June 29, 2010

family tradition

We are a common family in China. In the Mid-Autumn festival, today we have dinner together in the family and we will buy many moon cakes. So we will have a lot of food festival dinner. After dinner, we will sit outside, family eat moon cake and watch the moon. After watch month, we will be have gambling activities. Gambling? Right, but it is definitely legal. It have a china name is "Bo Bing." It is a throw the dice game. It is played only the Mid-Autumn Festival. This is our hometown peculiar custom.It is my family traditional activities in the Mid-Autumn festival.I like the traditional festival.
my picture from :http://1802.img.pp.sohu.com.cn/images/blog/2009/10/5/9/24/124d0ec09e6g215.jpg

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